Questions to ask when considering a teaching job offer

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Congratulations, you have completed your job interviews and received one or more offers! Whilst this is an exciting part of the job search process, it is very important to consider the offer details that extend beyond the salary package and/or housing. Unfortunately, there are many teachers who happily sign a great looking package, only to later be met with a list of requirements and rules they did not anticipate and, as a result, either break their arrangement with the school or have a negative experience.

Eurus’ recruitment team handles hundreds of offers and we have compiled a checklist of questions that are crucial to understand before accepting any offers.

Checklist of questions to ask the school about your offer:


· Is the salary quoted before or after tax? How much will I receive after tax?

· Do you reimburse visa costs? Does this include the medical check in my country? When do I get reimbursed?

· How many days of paid leave will I have?

· Is my salary different during the school holidays? How long are the school holidays for the teachers?

· Does the contract include paid sick leave? How many days?

· If the school provides accommodation: where is it located in relation to the school? Do you have any photos of the accommodation? Am I expected to pay any bills? Is it single or shared accommodation?

· If the school provides accommodation allowance: will you provide assistance finding accommodation? Do you offer help with the deposit?